
The Super Randonnée is a permanent route, ridden at the initiative of the participant. Riders choose their start date and time, how they get organized, what they put in their bags, how they manage their time, if they sleep at the hotel or in a sleeping bag or not at all. Regarding their own organization, they have no other obligation than to make the overall time limit according to the option chosen (Randonneur or Tourist) and to do the ride without the support of a vehicle. Each of them is responsible for validating his/her passage at the controls. In short, they can and have to handle things all by themselves. The spirit of the Super Randonnée is based on freedom and maturity of the riders.

What are Super Randonnées

Super Randonnées are permanents which are organized, verified and validated by Provence Randonneurs.

Provence Randonneurs is the successor of the Audax Club Parisien at the head of the Super Randonnées.

Super Randonnées are located in mountainous areas.

The length is about 600 km (373 miles) and the total amount of climbing is over 10.000 m (32.800 feet).

At registration, each rider selects to ride a Super Randonnée either as a Tourist or as a Randonneur.

– Tourists have to complete the SR at a minimum average of 75 km per day.

– The time limit for Randonneurs is 60 hours.

Being permanents, Super Randonnées can be ridden at any time of the year, provided the roads are open. Please make sure that they are before starting.

About the riders

Super Randonnées are open to any amateur cyclist regardless of cycling affiliations. Each rider must be covered by liability insurance. Any rider under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or legal guardian.

Participants are strongly advised to take out individual accident insurance extended for cycling (unless they have a sports license including such insurance).

For Super Randonnées organized in France by Provence Randonneurs : Provence Randonneurs has no individual accident insurance for participants. Provence Randonneurs did not take out insurance for the repatriation of the participants. Provence Randonneurs is insured in civil liability, in accordance with Article L321-1 of the French Sports Code.

Any form of human-powered vehicle is acceptable.

Riders are allowed to ride either alone or in a group.

After registration, riders will receive a personal SR card and a frame badge. Both need to be kept with them throughout the ride. On the card, the requested information (name, first name, address etc.) must be completed before the start.

Riders’ duties

Each rider must be self-sufficient. Support vehicules, even occasionally, are totally forbidden, on the course and at the control places.

The rider must ride in accordance with all applicable traffic regulations and obey all traffic signals.

Riders must follow the route of the Super Randonnée. The organizer provides a detailed cue sheet (road book) indicating the location of the control places, and GPS-files.

Those who have registered as Randonneurs must start from the starting point(s) defined by the organizer. As Tourists, they can choose any other starting point on the cue sheet.

Bikes must be equipped with front and rear lights attached firmly to the bike. During hours of darkness or other low-light conditions (rain, fog, etc.), lights must be turned on and a high-visibility vest must be worn, as requested by the French traffic law. Backup lighting system and headlamp are strongly recommended.

It is recommended to wear an approved helmet, light-colored clothes, and to carry a survival blanket and a cell phone.


By registering for the Super Randonnée, the participants declare on their honor that they are in sufficient physical condition to complete the course chosen, and to have read the safety instructions.

Before starting, each rider must register with the organizer and pay the registration fee. Registrations must be done within the registration period defined by the organizer. For Super Randonnées organized in France by Provence Randonneurs : at least 7 days before the intended start date.

A card is valid until the participant has started. If he or she starts and abandons, the card is no longer valid for another attempt.

In the Randonneur option, riders must declare a starting date and time at registration. It is possible to change the date and time after registration by informing the organizer of the new date and time, but only up to at least a week before the start.

In the Tourist option, riders do not have to specify a start date. However, if they plan to start from another point than the official starting point, they must notify the organizer of their starting point.

Control and Homologation

Both Tourists and Randonneurs must note on their card the start and finish date and time (day, hour, minute), and the time of passage at all intermediate control places (hour, minute).

They must prove their passage at the control places by taking a picture of their bike at the place designated by the organizer. For each Super Randonnée, the organizer provides detailed information about the places where to take the control pictures. These information can also be sent by e-mail. The rider can appear on the picture, but not without his or her bike.

If circumstances permit, riders can have their card stamped at an establishment located at the control place, instead of taking a picture. The stamp must show the name of the control place, otherwise it is no valid.

Missing pictures (if no replaced by stamps), missing control times, or loss of the card (regardless of how far into the ride a rider is) will result in disqualification.

Each participant is required to personally complete his or her SR card. Each participant must personally provide the organizer with all the control pictures requested for his or her homologation.

Secret controls may occur at the start and during the ride.

Those riding as Randonneurs and finishing in more than the alloted time will be homologated as Tourists, provided they have validated all controls and observed the present rules.

After the ride, participants must return their SR card to the organizer, together with the required pictures. The pictures can be sent as electronic files.

The SR card will be returned to the rider after it has been verified and a homologation number has been assigned. Homologation numbers are issued in chronological order, including both Tourists and Randonneurs. The list of the homologated riders will be posted on  Super Randonnées are not competitive events. Riders are not classified by performance.


A Super Randonnée cannot be counted as participation in, or as credit for another event held in conjuntion with the Super Randonnée.

A Super Randonnée cannot be held both at the same time and on the same course as a brevet of 600 km.

Super Randonnées being permanents, the organizer has the obligation to offer them throughout the year (provided the roads are open to traffic). If the organizer wants to set a date for a Super Randonnée, he may do so, provided that the rules are respected. In particular, he is not allowed to offer motorized assistance, even occasionally, nor to perform control operations instead of the riders. He must offer the two options, Tourist and Randonneur, and he must not impose any time schedule to the riders.

It is expected that those riding a Super Randonnée agree that their name will be published by Provence Randonneurs. In any case, their identities will not be used for commercial purposes and will not be transmitted to third parties.

It is also expected that those riding a Super Randonnée fully accept these rules. Any fraud, cheating, or deliberate violation of these rules will result in the exclusion of the rider from the events organized by Provence Randonneurs. The rider may appeal or complain in writing (including by e-mail) to the President of Provence Randonneurs, which will then render a final decision.

August 08, 2024